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Showing 31 of 31

Savour It Meatball Melt Wrap
Savour It Meatball Melt Wrap
£57.19 £2.38/ea
24 x 183g

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Savour It Chicken Fajita Wrap
Savour It Chicken Fajita Wrap
£60.59 £2.52/ea
24 x 165g

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Country Choice Fiery Cheese Rostis
Country Choice Fiery Cheese Rostis
£30.89 £1.54/ea
20 x 140g

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Savour It Four Cheese & Red Onion Panini
Savour It Four Cheese & Red Onion Panini
£58.49 £2.44/ea
24 x 197g

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Country Choice Cheesy Bean Puffs
Country Choice Cheesy Bean Puffs
£33.99 £0.94/ea
36 x 135g

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Cosmo Brown Cheese & Tomato Pizzini 135g
Cosmo Brown Cheese & Tomato Pizzini 135g
£29.59 £1.48/ea
1 x 20

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Brakes Puff Pastry Pie Tops
Brakes Puff Pastry Pie Tops
£24.89 £0.23/ea
108 x 60g

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Savour It BBQ Chicken Toastie
Savour It BBQ Chicken Toastie
£54.49 £2.72/ea
1 x 20

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Savour It Ham & Cheese Toastie
Savour It Ham & Cheese Toastie
£49.69 £2.48/ea
1 x 20

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Savour It Tuna Melt Toastie
Savour It Tuna Melt Toastie
£48.09 £2.40/ea
1 x 20

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Savour It Four Cheese and Onion Toastie
Savour It Four Cheese and Onion Toastie
£53.19 £2.66/ea
20 x 187g

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Savour It Pigs Under Blankets Toastie
Savour It Pigs Under Blankets Toastie
£60.35 £3.02/ea
20 x 215g

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Proper Cornish All Day Breakfast Bar
Proper Cornish All Day Breakfast Bar
£50.79 £1.27/ea
1 x 40

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Country Choice 1 Ready Pinned 3mm Puff Pastry Roll
Country Choice 1 Ready Pinned 3mm Puff Pastry Roll
£41.29 £41.29/pk
1 x 10kg

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Danora Sourdough Toastie Smoked Ham & Cheese
Danora Sourdough Toastie Smoked Ham & Cheese
£81.79 £3.72/ea
1 x 22

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D&Co Mushroom & Three Cheese Toastie
D&Co Mushroom & Three Cheese Toastie
£81.79 £3.41/ea
1 x 24

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Country Choice Curry Potato Dogs
Country Choice Curry Potato Dogs
£28.19 £1.41/ea
20 x 140g

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Country Choice Chilli Potato Dogs
Country Choice Chilli Potato Dogs
£28.19 £1.41/ea
20 x 140g

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Big Al's Italian Pizza Twist Margherita
Big Al's Italian Pizza Twist Margherita
£53.19 £1.90/ea
28 x 175g

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Big Al's Italian Pizza Twist Pepperoni
Big Al's Italian Pizza Twist Pepperoni
£55.29 £1.97/ea
28 x 175g

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D&CO Kitchen Chipotle Chicken Toastie
D&CO Kitchen Chipotle Chicken Toastie
£86.99 £3.62/ea
1 x 24

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D&CO Kitchen Mozzarella & Pesto Gluten Free Toastie
D&CO Kitchen Mozzarella & Pesto Gluten Free Toastie
£58.49 £3.66/100g
16 x 130g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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D&CO Kitchen Breakfast Toastie
D&CO Kitchen Breakfast Toastie
£85.99 £4.30/ea
1 x 20

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D&CO Kitchen Sourdough Toastie with Brie & Caramelised Onion
D&CO Kitchen Sourdough Toastie with Brie & Caramelised Onion
£75.39 £3.43/ea
1 x 22

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D&CO Kitchen Sourdough Toastie with Smoked Cheese & Salami
D&CO Kitchen Sourdough Toastie with Smoked Cheese & Salami
£71.89 £3.27/ea
1 x 22

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Savour It Bacon Ciabatta
Savour It Bacon Ciabatta
£44.29 £2.770
16 x 154g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Sausage Ciabatta
Savour It Sausage Ciabatta
£37.49 £2.340
16 x 176g

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Savour It Spicy Chicken Burrito
Savour It Spicy Chicken Burrito
24 x 173g

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Savour It All Day Breakfast Wrap
Savour It All Day Breakfast Wrap
£61.39 £2.56/ea
24 x 200g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It  Mozzarella, Pesto and Tomato Ciabatta
Savour It Mozzarella, Pesto and Tomato Ciabatta
£41.79 £2.610
16 x 187g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Savour It Ham and Cheese Panini
Savour It Ham and Cheese Panini
£57.05 £2.38/ea
24 x 185g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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