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Showing 17 of 17

Quorn Plain Fillets
Quorn Plain Fillets
£46.09 £3.84/ea
12 x 312g

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Quorn Roast Joint
Quorn Roast Joint
£22.99 £2.87/ea
8 x 454g

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Quorn Vegan Fillets
Quorn Vegan Fillets
£18.99 £0.95/100g
1 x 2kg

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Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
Sysco Simply Plant Based Chestnut & Seed Roast
£10.49 £0.87/ea
12 x 120g

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Sysco Classic Vegetable Kyiv
Sysco Classic Vegetable Kyiv
£56.79 £1.58/ea
36 x 140g

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Sysco Premium Fishless Fishcake
Sysco Premium Fishless Fishcake
£45.99 £1.53/ea
30 x 140g

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Quorn Vegan Mini Fillets
Quorn Vegan Mini Fillets
£11.59 £0.68/ea
17 x 58g

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Bespoke Kitchen Foods Root Vegetable Vegan Wellington
Bespoke Kitchen Foods Root Vegetable Vegan Wellington
£53.89 £2.69/ea
2 x 10 x 175g

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Vegan Sweet Potato & Chickpea Loaf
Vegan Sweet Potato & Chickpea Loaf
£55.09 £2.30/ea
24 x 180g

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Meatless Farm Plant-Based Chicken Breast
Meatless Farm Plant-Based Chicken Breast
£44.49 £1.78/ea
25 x 105g

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Oumph! Sticky Smokehouse Ribs
Oumph! Sticky Smokehouse Ribs
£41.79 £4.18/ea
10 x 280g

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VFC Chick*n Fillets
VFC Chick*n Fillets
£46.49 £1.55/100g
3 x 1kg

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Redefine Meat Plant-based Vegan Flank Cut Steak - Beef Style
Redefine Meat Plant-based Vegan Flank Cut Steak - Beef Style
£80.99 £8.10/ea
10 x 300g

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Shicken Tikka Kebab Skewers
Shicken Tikka Kebab Skewers
£59.69 £1.49/ea
1 x 40

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Bespoke Kitchen Jewelled Nut Roast
Bespoke Kitchen Jewelled Nut Roast
£41.99 £3.50/ea
12 x 170g

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THIS™ Isn't Chicken Plant Based Wings
THIS™ Isn't Chicken Plant Based Wings
£28.99 £1.45/100g
1 x 2kg

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Brakes Jewelled Nut Roast
Brakes Jewelled Nut Roast
£29.69 £2.97/ea
10 x 170g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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