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Showing 37 of 37

Graham's Fresh Scottish Double Cream (Scotland Only)
Graham's Fresh Scottish Double Cream (Scotland Only)
£21.59 £10.80/ltr
1 x 2ltr

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Yew Tree Dairy Double Cream
Yew Tree Dairy Double Cream
£8.79 £15.48/ltr
1 x 568ml

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Wholesome Farms Fresh British Single Cream
Wholesome Farms Fresh British Single Cream
£11.59 £5.11/ltr
1 x 2.27ltr

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Brakes UHT Aerosol Cream Sweetened
Brakes UHT Aerosol Cream Sweetened
£4.49 £0.90/100g
1 x 500g

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Rodda's Classic Cornish Clotted Cream 40g
Rodda's Classic Cornish Clotted Cream 40g
£41.99 £0.87/ptn
48 x 40g

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Millac Roselle Supreme Cream Alternative 1 Litre
Millac Roselle Supreme Cream Alternative 1 Litre
£4.49 £4.49/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Elmlea Single
Elmlea Single
£24.29 £2.02/ea
12 x 270ml

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Coconut Collaborative Double Cream
Coconut Collaborative Double Cream
£22.59 £0.94/100g
6 x 400g

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Green Vie Dairy Free Soured Cream Alternative
Green Vie Dairy Free Soured Cream Alternative
£18.39 £4.60/ea
4 x 250g

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UHT Dairy Half Fat Cream 18%
UHT Dairy Half Fat Cream 18%
£6.59 £0.66/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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UHT Dairy Whipping Cream 35% Fat
UHT Dairy Whipping Cream 35% Fat
£2.90 £0.29/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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Arla Pro Chocolate Aerosol Cream
Arla Pro Chocolate Aerosol Cream
£3.99 £0.80/100g
1 x 500g

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Kerrymaid Whipping UHT 1L
Kerrymaid Whipping UHT 1L
£2.49 £2.49/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Millac Single Gold Cooking Cream Alternative 1 Litre
Millac Single Gold Cooking Cream Alternative 1 Litre
£1.99 £1.99/ea
1 x 1ltr

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Millac Gold Double 1ltr
Millac Gold Double 1ltr
£3.49 £3.49/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Alpro Plant-Based Single Soya U.H.T 250ml
Alpro Plant-Based Single Soya U.H.T 250ml
£17.49 £0.46/100ml
15 x 250ml

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Café Maid Luxury Coffee Creamer Long Life Portions 12ml
Café Maid Luxury Coffee Creamer Long Life Portions 12ml
£11.79 £0.10/ptn
1 x 120

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Green Valley Dairy Crème Fraîche
Green Valley Dairy Crème Fraîche
£14.79 £7.40/kg
1 x 2kg

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Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream
Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream
£24.49 £0.51/ptn
48 x 28g

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Wholesome Farms Fresh British Whipping Cream
Wholesome Farms Fresh British Whipping Cream
£20.59 £9.07/ltr
1 x 2.27ltr

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Wholesome Farms Fresh British Double Cream
Wholesome Farms Fresh British Double Cream
£10.89 £4.80/ltr
1 x 2.27ltr

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Arla Pro Whipped Aerosol Cream
Arla Pro Whipped Aerosol Cream
£5.79 £1.16/100g
1 x 500g

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Baignes UHT Dairy Whipping Cream
Baignes UHT Dairy Whipping Cream
£6.89 £6.89/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream
Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream
£37.79 £0.79/ea
48 x 40g

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Baignes UHT Dairy Single Cream
Baignes UHT Dairy Single Cream
£6.69 £6.69/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Kerrymaid Single Cream Alternative 1ltr
Kerrymaid Single Cream Alternative 1ltr
£1.99 £1.99/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Kerrymaid Double
Kerrymaid Double
£2.99 £2.99/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Green Valley Dairy Set Soured Cream
Green Valley Dairy Set Soured Cream
£19.59 £9.80/kg
1 x 2kg

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Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream 907g
Rodda's Cornish Clotted Cream 907g
£13.59 £14.98/kg
1 x 907g

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Macphie GlenDelight 1 Litre
Macphie GlenDelight 1 Litre
£4.99 £4.99/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Lakeland Dairies Real Dairy Whipping Cream
Lakeland Dairies Real Dairy Whipping Cream
£3.99 £3.99/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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Flora Professional Plant
Flora Professional Plant
£43.19 £5.40/ltr
8 x 1ltr

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Food Heaven Heavenly Whipped Vegan UHT Aerosol 200ml
Food Heaven Heavenly Whipped Vegan UHT Aerosol 200ml
£23.79 £1.98/ea
12 x 200ml

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BV Dairy Set Soured Cream
BV Dairy Set Soured Cream
£8.29 £0.83/100g
1 x 1kg

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Macphie Vegan Cream Alternative
Macphie Vegan Cream Alternative
£5.19 £0.52/100ml

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Meadowland Double Dairy Cream Alternative
Meadowland Double Dairy Cream Alternative
£2.99 £0.30/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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Meadowland Single Dairy Cream Alternative
Meadowland Single Dairy Cream Alternative
£1.49 £0.15/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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