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Please note that the definitive source of product information (including allergen data) is the product packaging. Therefore, customers are always advised to review the product packaging to be sure of the latest and most accurate product information. Brakes shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions in information provided on its website. For further information click here
Showing 60 of 123

Brakes Chocolate Sauce
Brakes Chocolate Sauce
£8.69 £0.87/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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Brakes Short Grain Pudding Rice
Brakes Short Grain Pudding Rice
£16.79 £0.56/100g
1 x 3kg

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Brakes Semolina
Brakes Semolina
£10.49 £0.35/100g
1 x 3kg

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Sysco Classic Strawberry Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Strawberry Flavour Jelly Crystals
£21.59 £0.62/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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Sysco Classic Raspberry Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Raspberry Flavour Jelly Crystals
£22.29 £0.64/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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Sysco Classic Lemon Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Lemon Flavour Jelly Crystals
£24.59 £0.70/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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Sysco Classic Orange Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Orange Flavour Jelly Crystals
£21.79 £0.62/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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Askeys Pompadour Fans Catering	205
Askeys Pompadour Fans Catering 205
£56.69 £0.28/ea
1 x 205

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Brakes Crème Anglaise
Brakes Crème Anglaise
£7.89 £0.79/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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Dr. Oetker Wellcare Reduced Sugar Strawberry Flavour Jelly Mix 1kg
Dr. Oetker Wellcare Reduced Sugar Strawberry Flavour Jelly Mix 1kg
£16.49 £16.49/kg
1 x 1kg

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Lees 72 Meringue Nests
Lees 72 Meringue Nests
£27.49 £0.38/ea
72 x 12g

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Bird's Ready To Serve Custard 1kg
Bird's Ready To Serve Custard 1kg
£36.00 £3.00/ltr
12 x 1kg

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Brakes Chunky Apple Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
Brakes Chunky Apple Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
£19.49 £0.78/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Lemon Pie Filling
Brakes Lemon Pie Filling
£10.39 £0.42/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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Brakes Black Cherry Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
Brakes Black Cherry Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
£18.89 £0.76/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Apricot Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
Brakes Apricot Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
£20.89 £0.84/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Apple & Blackberry Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
Brakes Apple & Blackberry Pie Filling & Fruit Topping
£17.49 £0.70/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Sysco Mincemeat
Sysco Mincemeat
£15.69 £0.49/100g
1 x 3.18kg

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Brakes Ready to Serve Custard
Brakes Ready to Serve Custard
£3.49 £3.49/ltr
1 x 1ltr

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Bird's Instant Custard 75g
Bird's Instant Custard 75g
£31.79 £1.77/ea
18 x 75g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Sysco Classic Blackcurrant Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Blackcurrant Flavour Jelly Crystals
£24.69 £0.71/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Lime Flavour Jelly Crystals
Sysco Classic Lime Flavour Jelly Crystals
£24.49 £0.70/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Custard Powder
Sysco Classic Custard Powder
£17.09 £4.88/kg
1 x 3.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Crème Brûlée Base Mix
Brakes Crème Brûlée Base Mix
£7.59 £0.76/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Raspberry Decorating Coulis
Raspberry Decorating Coulis
£26.79 £2.98/100ml
2 x 510ml

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Brandy Sauce
Brakes Brandy Sauce
£6.29 £0.63/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Pure Canadian Maple Syrup
Brakes Pure Canadian Maple Syrup
£15.99 £2.58/100g
1 x 620g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Chocolate Delight
Sysco Classic Chocolate Delight
£5.99 £1.00/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Bird's Cheesecake Mix
Bird's Cheesecake Mix
£15.09 £2.67/100g
1 x 565g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Strawberry Delight
Sysco Classic Strawberry Delight
£6.39 £1.07/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Banana Delight
Sysco Classic Banana Delight
£7.99 £1.33/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Askeys 21 Classic Cones with Sweetener
Askeys 21 Classic Cones with Sweetener
£3.99 £0.19/ea
1 x 21

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Angel Delight Strawberry Flavour No Added Sugar 47g
Angel Delight Strawberry Flavour No Added Sugar 47g
£26.89 £1.28/ea
21 x 47g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Clear Blossom Honey
Brakes Clear Blossom Honey
£40.99 £1.50/100g
6 x 454g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Sysco Classic Chocolate flavour mousse mix
Sysco Classic Chocolate flavour mousse mix
£47.59 £2.07/100g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Sysco Classic Strawberry flavour mousse mix
Sysco Classic Strawberry flavour mousse mix
£46.49 £2.02/100g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Marcantonio Premium Waffle Cones Large
Marcantonio Premium Waffle Cones Large
£53.79 £0.42/ea
1 x 128

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Carte  D'Or Chocolate Mousse Vegan
Carte D'Or Chocolate Mousse Vegan
£11.19 £1.24/100g
3 x 300g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Double Fan Premier Fans Tin
Double Fan Premier Fans Tin
£93.99 £0.23/ea
2 x 200

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Dr Oetker Reduced Sugar Orange Flavour Jelly Mix
Dr Oetker Reduced Sugar Orange Flavour Jelly Mix
£13.29 £1.33/100g
1 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Dr. Oetker Micro Marshmallow Mix
Dr. Oetker Micro Marshmallow Mix
£44.79 £7.47/ea
6 x 150g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Wibble Chocolate Mousse
Wibble Chocolate Mousse
£22.39 £1.24/100g
1 x 1.8kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Wibble Caramel Mousse
Wibble Caramel Mousse
£22.39 £1.24/100g
1 x 1.8kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Wibble Strawberry Mousse
Wibble Strawberry Mousse
£22.39 £1.24/100g
1 x 1.8kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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The Flan Co Sponge Flan Case Large
The Flan Co Sponge Flan Case Large
£34.09 £3.41/ea
1 x 10

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Lees Broken Meringues (2.0kg)
Lees Broken Meringues (2.0kg)
£33.89 £16.95/kg
1 x 2kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Kerrymaid Angelito Vanilla Flavour Ice Cream Mix 1 Litre
Kerrymaid Angelito Vanilla Flavour Ice Cream Mix 1 Litre
£3.09 £0.31/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Hartley's Assorted Tablet Jellies
Hartley's Assorted Tablet Jellies
£13.99 £1.17/ea
12 x 135g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes Toffee Sauce
Brakes Toffee Sauce
£8.99 £0.90/100ml
1 x 1ltr

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Marcantonio Florentine Wafers (Tin)
Marcantonio Florentine Wafers (Tin)
£34.89 £0.17/ea
1 x 200

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Marcantonio Sundae Sensations 280 Rossini Curls
Marcantonio Sundae Sensations 280 Rossini Curls
£34.89 £0.12/ea
1 x 280

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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McDougalls Strawberry Flavour Jelly 3.5kg
McDougalls Strawberry Flavour Jelly 3.5kg
£36.29 £1.04/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Hartley's No Added Sugar Strawberry Jelly
Hartley's No Added Sugar Strawberry Jelly
£9.49 £0.79/ea
12 x 115g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes Raspberry Purée
Brakes Raspberry Purée
£17.99 £1.80/100g
1 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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McDougalls Raspberry Flavour Jelly 3.5kg
McDougalls Raspberry Flavour Jelly 3.5kg
£36.29 £1.04/100g
1 x 3.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Angel Delight Chocolate Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
Angel Delight Chocolate Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
£6.25 £1.04/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Angel Delight Strawberry Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
Angel Delight Strawberry Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
£6.25 £1.04/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Angel Delight Raspberry Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
Angel Delight Raspberry Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
£6.25 £1.04/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Angel Delight Butterscotch Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
Angel Delight Butterscotch Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
£6.25 £1.04/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Angel Delight Banana Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
Angel Delight Banana Flavour Dessert Mix 600g
£6.25 £1.04/100g
1 x 600g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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