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Please note that the definitive source of product information (including allergen data) is the product packaging. Therefore, customers are always advised to review the product packaging to be sure of the latest and most accurate product information. Brakes shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions in information provided on its website. For further information click here
Showing 60 of 134

Brakes Wings of Fire
Brakes Wings of Fire
£24.19 £8.06/kg
1 x 3kg (75-108)

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Brakes Cooked Chicken Tikka Breast Strips
Brakes Cooked Chicken Tikka Breast Strips
£22.59 £22.59/kg
1 x 1kg

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Luxury Boneless Chicken Kyiv
Luxury Boneless Chicken Kyiv
£41.79 £4.18/ea
10 x 184g

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Brakes 19mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
Brakes 19mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
£64.99 £6.50/kg
4 x 2.5kg

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Brakes Battered Chicken Inner Fillets
Brakes Battered Chicken Inner Fillets
£12.49 £0.35/ea (approx)
1 x 1kg (17-38g)

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Brakes 12mm Cooked Chicken Breast Strips
Brakes 12mm Cooked Chicken Breast Strips
£23.49 £11.75/kg
1 x 2kg

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Sysco Classic Battered Chicken Chunks
Sysco Classic Battered Chicken Chunks
£27.19 £1.36/100g
1 x 2kg (approx 100)

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Brakes 12mm Cooked Chicken Breast Strips
Brakes 12mm Cooked Chicken Breast Strips
£30.69 £12.28/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Brakes Chargrilled Chicken Fillets
Brakes Chargrilled Chicken Fillets
£19.99 £0.83/ea
24 x 82g

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Brakes American Style Chicken Fillets
Brakes American Style Chicken Fillets
£29.69 £1.24/ea
24 x 90g

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Brakes 12mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
Brakes 12mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
£27.79 £11.12/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Brakes Tangy BBQ Chicken Wings
Brakes Tangy BBQ Chicken Wings
£26.19 £13.10/kg
1 x 2kg (43-53)

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Brakes Cooked Charcoal Grilled Butterfly Chicken Breast
Brakes Cooked Charcoal Grilled Butterfly Chicken Breast
£33.39 £3.34/ea
10 x 143-180g

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Brakes Hot 'n' Spicy Chicken Fillets
Brakes Hot 'n' Spicy Chicken Fillets
£35.49 £1.48/ea
24 x 110g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Inner Fillets
Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Inner Fillets
£27.79 £0.69/ea (approx)
1 x 2kg (40-60g)

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Fillets
Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Fillets
£42.09 £1.75/ea
24 x 110g

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Brakes Shredded Aromatic Duck
Brakes Shredded Aromatic Duck
£25.19 £2.52/100g
2 x 500g

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Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Strips
Brakes Southern Fried Chicken Strips
£33.79 £0.42/ea (approx)
1 x 2kg (approx 80)

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes Crispy Chicken Strips
Brakes Crispy Chicken Strips
£34.19 £0.43/ea (approx)
1 x 2kg (approx 80)

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
Sysco Classic British Cooked Sliced Turkey Breast
£101.99 £20.40/kg
5 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Brakes Roast Chicken Fillets
Brakes Roast Chicken Fillets
£46.29 £2.57/ea
18 x 125g (av)

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Hot 'n' Kickin' Goujons
Hot 'n' Kickin' Goujons
£44.59 £1.49/ea (approx)
3 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes Katsu Breaded Chicken Fillets
Brakes Katsu Breaded Chicken Fillets
£26.59 £1.21/ea
22 x 90-105g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Halal Battered Chicken Nuggets
Halal Battered Chicken Nuggets
£18.69 £0.75/100g
1 x 2.5kg

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This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes 19mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
Brakes 19mm Cooked Diced Chicken Breast
£27.79 £11.12/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Diced Roast Chicken (19mm diced)
Diced Roast Chicken (19mm diced)
£23.09 £9.24/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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Cooked Chicken Inner Fillets
Cooked Chicken Inner Fillets
£13.99 £5.60/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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This product is currently out of stock

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Roasted Chicken Fillets 110-130g
Roasted Chicken Fillets 110-130g
£27.59 £1.28/ea
1 x 2.5kg

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Skinless Roasted Sliced Chicken Fillet 5mm
Skinless Roasted Sliced Chicken Fillet 5mm
£26.09 £10.44/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Roasted Chicken Strips 12mm
Roasted Chicken Strips 12mm
£14.19 £5.68/kg
1 x 2.5kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Golden Valley Gluten Free Breaded Chicken Goujons
Golden Valley Gluten Free Breaded Chicken Goujons
£27.19 £0.14/100g
2 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Carisma Fully Cooked 20mm Diced Chicken Breast
Carisma Fully Cooked 20mm Diced Chicken Breast
£86.39 £8.64/kg
5 x 2kg

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Golden Valley Breaded Chicken Burger
Golden Valley Breaded Chicken Burger
£38.89 £1.62/ea
24 x 114g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma Hot n Spicy Chicken Fillets
Carisma Hot n Spicy Chicken Fillets
£31.29 £1.56/100g
1 x 2kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Authentic Asia Boneless Roast Duck
Authentic Asia Boneless Roast Duck
£125.29 £12.53/ea
10 x 625g

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Gressingham Confit Duck Legs
Gressingham Confit Duck Legs
£72.69 £4.04/ea
18 x 280g

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Carisma Southern Fried Chicken Fillets
Carisma Southern Fried Chicken Fillets
£28.99 £14.50/kg
1 x 2.0kg

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Carisma Southern Fried Chicken Mini Fillets
Carisma Southern Fried Chicken Mini Fillets
£27.09 £13.55/kg
1 x 2.0kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Carisma Battered Chicken Breast Chunks
Carisma Battered Chicken Breast Chunks
£26.99 £13.50/kg
1 x 2.0kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Carisma Battered Chicken Mini Fillets
Carisma Battered Chicken Mini Fillets
£28.29 £14.15/kg
1 x 2.0kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma American Style 100% Chicken Breast Fillets in Crispy Batter
Carisma American Style 100% Chicken Breast Fillets in Crispy Batter
£29.59 £13.70/kg
1 x 2.16kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets
Carisma Breaded Chicken Breast Fillets
£30.69 £14.21/kg
1 x 2.16kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Carisma Hot n Spicy Chicken Mini Fillets
Carisma Hot n Spicy Chicken Mini Fillets
£29.79 £14.90/kg
1 x 2.0kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Fully Cooked Chicken Karaage
Fully Cooked Chicken Karaage
£20.89 £1.04/100g
1 x 2kg

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Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
Browns BBQ Shredded Turkey and Cranberry
£6.79 £1.36/100g
1 x 500g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
Carisma Buttermilk Turkey Burger
£41.09 £1.37/ea
30 x 100g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Battered Cooked Chicken Steak
Battered Cooked Chicken Steak
£6.89 £0.57/ea
12 x 85g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Hot & Spicy Chicken Wings
Hot & Spicy Chicken Wings
£6.49 £0.65/100g
1 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Buttermilk Coated Cooked Chicken Wings
Buttermilk Coated Cooked Chicken Wings
£12.89 £6.45/kg
1 x 2kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma Southern Fried Popcorn Chicken
Carisma Southern Fried Popcorn Chicken
£18.09 £9.05/kg
1 x 2kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Universal Meats Battered Chicken Steak
Universal Meats Battered Chicken Steak
£11.69 £0.97/ea
12 x 85g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Carisma Charcoal Butterfly Chicken Fillets
Carisma Charcoal Butterfly Chicken Fillets
£33.39 £19.64/kg
1 x 1.7kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Bernard Matthews Crispy Crumb Turkey Burgers
Bernard Matthews Crispy Crumb Turkey Burgers
£24.19 £0.60/ea
40 x 71g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Brakes Cooked Chicken Kebabs
Brakes Cooked Chicken Kebabs
£59.89 £1.50/ea
40 x 100g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Green Gourmet Breaded Chicken Grill 60g
Green Gourmet Breaded Chicken Grill 60g
£34.29 £0.69/ea
50 x 60g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Breaded Chicken Escalope Plain & Simple
Breaded Chicken Escalope Plain & Simple
£30.19 £3.02/ea
10 x 220g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Green Gourmet British Red Tractor Breaded Chicken Goujons 28g
Green Gourmet British Red Tractor Breaded Chicken Goujons 28g
£50.99 £0.40/ea
128 x 28g (av)

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Green Gourmet British Red Tractor Breaded  Southern Style Chicken Goujons 28g
Green Gourmet British Red Tractor Breaded Southern Style Chicken Goujons 28g
£51.19 £0.40/ea
128 x 28g

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Hot 'n' Kickin' Chicken Fillets
Hot 'n' Kickin' Chicken Fillets
£46.19 £1.54/ea
1 x 2.7kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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Hot 'n' Kickin' Chicken Poppin 11g
Hot 'n' Kickin' Chicken Poppin 11g
£37.09 £1.24/100g
3 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

This product is currently out of stock

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