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Showing 16 of 16

Lily O'Briens Chocolate Catering box
Lily O'Briens Chocolate Catering box
£52.19 £28.21/kg
1 x 1.85kg

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Brakes Wrapped Chocolate Mint Crisps
Brakes Wrapped Chocolate Mint Crisps
£15.19 £0.10/ea
1 x 1kg (155 pieces)

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Brakes Wrapped Chocolate Mint Cremes
Brakes Wrapped Chocolate Mint Cremes
£13.59 £0.11/ea
1 x 1kg (120 pieces)

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Brakes Wrapped Plain Chocolates
Brakes Wrapped Plain Chocolates
£19.69 £0.10/ea
1 x 1kg

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Wrapped Mint Imperials
Wrapped Mint Imperials
£17.89 £8.95/kg
1 x 2kg

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Munchies Pouch Bag
Munchies Pouch Bag
£11.49 £1.44/ea
8 x 104g

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Celebrations Bulk
Celebrations Bulk
£29.29 £11.72/kg
1 x 2.43kg

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Elizabeth Shaw Dark Mint Crisp Chocolates 1.89kg
Elizabeth Shaw Dark Mint Crisp Chocolates 1.89kg
£16.99 £0.06/ea
1 X 300

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After Eight Dark Mint Chocolate Carton Box 300g
After Eight Dark Mint Chocolate Carton Box 300g
£2.99 £1.00/100g
1 x 300g

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Foxs Glacier Fruits Clearly Better Sweets
Foxs Glacier Fruits Clearly Better Sweets
£29.89 £9.70/kg
1 x 3.083kg

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Foxs Glacier Mints Clearly A Better Mint
Foxs Glacier Mints Clearly A Better Mint
£29.89 £9.70/kg
1 x 3.083kg

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Aero Melts Milk Chocolate Share Bag
Aero Melts Milk Chocolate Share Bag
£13.69 £1.71/ea
8 x 92g

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Cadbury Heroes Chocolate Box 290g
Cadbury Heroes Chocolate Box 290g
£18.99 £3.17/ea
6 x 290g

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Cadbury Roses Chocolate Box 290g
Cadbury Roses Chocolate Box 290g
£18.99 £3.17/ea
6 x 290g

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Elizabeth Shaw Dark Chocolate Mint Cremes
Elizabeth Shaw Dark Chocolate Mint Cremes
£14.99 £6.12/kg
1 x 200

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Orchard Valley Vegan Mini White Marshmallows
Orchard Valley Vegan Mini White Marshmallows
£16.49 £1.65/100g
1 x 1kg

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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