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Showing 25 of 25

La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Tomato Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Tomato Flour Tortillas
£26.39 £0.37/ea
4 x 18

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La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Spinach Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Spinach Flour Tortillas
£31.69 £0.44/ea
4 x 18

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La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
£21.49 £0.30/ea
4 x 18

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La Boulangerie Fully Baked Folded Flatbreads
La Boulangerie Fully Baked Folded Flatbreads
£24.29 £0.81/ea
30 x 95g

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La Boulangerie 12" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 12" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
£30.09 £0.42/ea
4 x 18

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Mission 30cm Bran Tortilla Wrap
Mission 30cm Bran Tortilla Wrap
£37.89 £0.53/ea
4 x 18

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Old El Paso Stand n Stuff Flour Tortillas
Old El Paso Stand n Stuff Flour Tortillas
£16.29 £0.51/ea
4 x 8

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La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Beetroot & Chia Tortillas
La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Beetroot & Chia Tortillas
£35.49 £0.49/ea
4 x 18

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La Boulangerie Fully Baked Mini Soft White Tacos
La Boulangerie Fully Baked Mini Soft White Tacos
£46.19 £0.16/ea
24 x 12

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Blanco Nino 15cm Gluten Free Soft Blue Corn Tortilla Wrap
Blanco Nino 15cm Gluten Free Soft Blue Corn Tortilla Wrap
£31.59 £0.22/ea
6 x 24

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La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Bar Marked Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 10" Fully Baked Bar Marked Flour Tortillas
£16.49 £0.23/ea
4 x 18

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La Boulangerie Pitta Breads
La Boulangerie Pitta Breads
£6.89 £0.19/ea
36 x 60g

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La Boulangerie 6" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
La Boulangerie 6" Fully Baked Flour Tortillas
£22.39 £0.16/ea
8 x 18

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12" Large White Khobez Bread
12" Large White Khobez Bread
£28.49 £0.47/ea
1 x 60

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La Boulangerie 8" Tortilla Wraps
La Boulangerie 8" Tortilla Wraps
£15.99 £0.17/ea
8 x 12

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Blanco Nino 10cm Gluten Free Soft Corn Tortilla Wrap
Blanco Nino 10cm Gluten Free Soft Corn Tortilla Wrap
£23.79 £0.11/ea
6 x 36

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Blanco Nino 15cm Gluten Free Soft Corn Tortilla Wrap
Blanco Nino 15cm Gluten Free Soft Corn Tortilla Wrap
£23.99 £0.17/ea
6 x 24

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Blanco Nino Unfried Gluten Free Pre Cut Corn Tortilla Chips
Blanco Nino Unfried Gluten Free Pre Cut Corn Tortilla Chips
£32.89 £10.96/kg
3 x 1kg

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Mission 25cm Bran Tortilla Wrap
Mission 25cm Bran Tortilla Wrap
£15.39 £0.21/ea
4 x 18

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Mission Sourdough Pitta Breads
Mission Sourdough Pitta Breads
£37.19 £0.31/ea
24 x 5

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Crepe Cuisine Mini Vegan Blini
Crepe Cuisine Mini Vegan Blini
£42.49 £0.18/ea
1 x 240

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Brakes 8'' White Khobez Bread
Brakes 8'' White Khobez Bread
£50.69 £0.51/ea
20 x 5

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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La Boulangerie Pitta Breads
La Boulangerie Pitta Breads
£11.09 £0.31/ea
6 x 6

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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La Boulangerie Wholemeal Pitta Breads
La Boulangerie Wholemeal Pitta Breads
£8.29 £0.23/ea
6 x 6

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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Schar Gluten Free & Vegan Foldable Flatbread
Schar Gluten Free & Vegan Foldable Flatbread
£58.79 £2.94/ea
12 x 3

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This product has been discontinued from the Brakes range.

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